About the NSAC

Will NSAC be the high point of your student days?

Did you used to go to the mountains with your parents as a child or visit the climbing hall regularly? Are you just starting college and looking for a way to incorporate climbing and mountaineering into your student life? Do you dream of going on an adventure with a group of friends and climbing grand rock faces or the most beautiful peaks of the Alps? Then the NSAC is the place for you!

The Dutch Student Alpine Club (NSAC) is the place to (learn) to climb during your student time. With fellow students, you challenge yourself in the climbing hall, go on adventures in the Alps and make friends for life.

With a varied (course) programme, the NSAC offers something for everyone: in summer and winter, from beginners to (advanced) climbers. Through the affiliated Student Alpine Clubs (SACs), you can have fun all year round in your student city. Do the things that make you happy, all year long, together with others who feel exactly the same way.

Click here to see which SAC is in your student city.

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